torsdag 29. april 2010
tirsdag 27. april 2010
Jakta på guten med munnspelet
Klatsj, klatsj, klatsj.
Føttane mine dansa over den gloheite stranda. Sanden knasa og knurra. Det skulle godt gjeres å ikkje bli brent på slik ein kvelandes sommardag. Eg stoppa opp og tok eit djupt andedrag. Fora meg spreidde den grøne flekken av minnar seg ut som fuglar, den dreg havet til seg og smilte lunt. Hjartet mitt hoppa – det var så lenge sia. Det vesle sommarhuset låg gøymd i famnen til det rufsete landskapet, det såg ut som om det klynga seg til graset som bølgja seg etter vindens pust. Eg vinka, sjølv om eg visste at dei einaste som kunne sjå meg no var trøtte måker og fisk som bobla under vatnet. Det føltes riktig. Det var som om skuggen hans fortsett satt der.
Eg børsta bort sanden eg hadde mellom tærne og gjekk nærmare det kvite huset. Taket var morkent og heldt på å falle saman, og når vinden blåste langs ryggen av landskapet, gav huset frå seg eit høgt og trøtt stønn. Fingrane mine greip om det lause handtaket og eg pressa ned, blodet i henda mine strøyma til og sveitten klistra til då dei slapp grepet. Døra stod stille eit augeblikk føyr vinden hylte og smelte den inn i veggen. Det var kaldt der inne, det føltes heilt gjenglemt. Men det var det ikkje, eg hugsa jo alt no. Det var som om varmen slo ut mot veggane og fargane kom tilbake. Alt stod slik det pleidde å stå. Ikkje ein identisk stol, enkle bokhyllar, ei lekekiste og eit svært frynsete teppe. Til høgre var kjøkkenet, med blå og kvite porselenstallerkenar, eit loslite raudt trebord med alt for mange skuffar på, blomstermønster på titt og tatt og eit par fotografiar på veggane. Eg lukta pannekaker og frukt med melis.
Men eg sprang mot den smale trappa som mangla steg. Opp og opp og opp, heilt til eg såg sollyset kime melodiøst ut frå ein sprekk i taket. Eg bøygde meg ned under den senga hans, og lausna den hullete planken. Der låg dei.
bilde av:
onsdag 21. april 2010
The White Wave
“Chappa chappa chap”
The strange sound rushed through the dark forest.
“Chappa chappa CHAP!”
In the distant a hypnotic drumming noise called. Something hissed.
The animals started growling their lungs out as the fireflies lighted up their tails. It was as if the whole forest stood on fire. Foots in search for shelter trampled upwards the hills, the wind howled and lifted them up, as the stars communicated with the fireflies. The trees squeaked and shook of their leaves. With a wheezing breath they stopped on top of the hill. Then suddenly, it all stopped. The animals held their breath and let their bright eyes glide over the sight of the dark forest. They sharpened their ears, in search for the rushing sound that grew louder and louder. It made such a terrifying sound, they thought. Then they saw the top of the raging wave. It came towards them like a hoard of angry mustangs, white, shiny and foaming with arousal. It engulfed the whole forest in one big embrace, squeezed in through the trees who simply could not get away. The animals felt nothing. They all thought to themselves - “These nightmares are so realistic and awkward nowadays”. The waves effervesced up towards the air.
So they fell asleep again.
This nightmare was a strange cause. It was not dreamt by just one of the animals, but all of them, united.
The next day, all that could ever be seen was tragedy. Corpses drifted around in the white water surrounding the forest floor. The whole forest was flooded, and that had severe consequences for a lot of the animals. There existed a big problem. Because you see, some of the animals had an ancient casting system, that split them into two. What exactly the difference between those two were, had for most animal been almost washed away as the years had passed by. Now it was up to what kind of ancestors they had that told them if they were in the higher or lower class.
For a couple of years ago, the red coated owls had a big fight. The higher class of owls, those with the most brilliant red shine in their feathers, refused to live with the lower class whose feathers were as bleak as withered cherries anymore, and made them so move down from the bumpy, green hill their houses stood on, to the dark forest floor. The already existing disgust now grew in a tremendous scale. As they were living united, the higher class of owls had made the lower class of owls work for them. They made them collect seeds, nuts, roots, eatable flowers and fruits. After the banishment, the higher class owls contacted the pack of wolves that roamed the darkest part of the forest, and made a deal with them so that the owls could get fresh meat delivered. The lower class had never felt their stomaches cringe more than at the day they saw the sight of the higher class engulfing the bloody meat of their forest companions. The thoughts of perfection had made their hunger grow bloodthirsty.
As the white water clashed through the forest floor, the houses of the lower owls were crushed. They snapped out of their united nightmare and jumped up in the trees, some did not make it. This would not have happened to them if it was not for the banishment. The white liquid swirled around, and took color from the blood. As they looked up to the higher owls, they saw that their houses stood peacefully on the exact same spot as before. The world looked like heaven up there.
“How is it that we have to pay for the sins of those who kicked us in the face?” one of the owls asked that day. No one knew the answer. They kept staring.
As the days passed on, the owls started growing tired of living up in the darkness of the trees. Sure, they were as thankful as they could be to the trees who had to carry their weight. But their hunger and their minds piled up restlessly. The worst thing was that the higher owls never looked at them, not once. It was as if they pretended nothing had happened. At that point they were the most ignorant animals of the woods. About all of the other animals were screaming about this disaster. They had lost someone they cared about, and many had lost their homes. They did not care about the casts anymore. The higher owls just kept their beaks up in the skies, ears closed and eyes shut.
As days turned into weeks, some of the owls got so famished that they simply fell of the trees in exhaustion. Some of the other birds tried to help them, giving them a bit of their sparsely saved food. They had the possibility to get around in the forest. But it was no use for the owls. They could not fly as swiftly as the barn swallows and neither as graceful as the golden eagles. And they could not swim in the water like the ducks either, but that was also out of question. It was at this point of despair, a great idea came up.
The owls built an ark.
With the assistance of the kind trees, who let them cut of their wounded branches, and the flying squirrels who got them what else they needed, they slowly created their floating chance. It was not a sight for the Gods at all, but for the owls it was simply perfect. Yes, almost a wonder. It was large and as dark as the forest itself, and could carry twice as many owls as they were. Some of the owls even decorated it with tiny shells that had drifted with the water. The mood was cheerful amongst them now, and they did not look up to the higher owls as much as before. As they put their last touch on the finely weaved sail made of leaves, a dance broke out. The other animals put interest in this and joined them. They wished them good luck, and were almost as happy as the owls themselves to see that finally something good occurred to them. The dance went on and on, as the owls boarded the ship together with some of the animals that wanted to escape the forest too. The animals breathed and blew air into the sail, and the boat started drifting through the oddly colored water.
Through all the noise, no one heard the surprised screams that came from the hill. The evergreen hill slithered down to the water in a manner like lava. As the weeks since the wave had passed, the white water had soaked up the fine hill till its consistence was like mud. The hill kept fighting as it tried to keep itself in place, but was so tired at this moment that it simply just collapsed. The rich owl's houses fell apart and dived into the water, with the flightless owls trapped in the vortex. They screamed their hearts out, but no one noticed. At their last seconds flew by they could see the ark and the owls and the animals dancing and singing as happy as clams at high tide. The immersed owls then died through submersion in and inhalation of white bloody water. Death by drowning.
The ark floated with a big cheer out through the legs of the trees, out from the blood, out from the dark forest, into the endless ocean. The white water gradually faded away and was replaced by a bright blue ground ocean.The rays of the sun lighted up their ruby red coats. They shone even brighter than the red of the rich owls had. As they looked back towards the island, they saw the destroyed hill, and bowed their heads. That would never happen to them. They were going to find new land.
The End
torsdag 15. april 2010
Go Do
Go Do from Arni & Kinski on Vimeo.
Jeg vet ikke helt hva jeg skal si, men det må være slik fuglenes egentlige sang høres ut. I hvert fall klarer ikke jeg å slutte å se og høre.
Om meg

- Kokrorisostotinone
- Hedmark, Norway
- instrument of evil. likes to draw, watch the sunset and do a rain dance every now and then. "all the birds" is my art blog.