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fredag 9. januar 2009

catching up

Oooh. Sorry. I forgot this thing... already. But not completely, I've been thinking about updating for a long time now. Oh well, I'll just leaf through it, because I can't really be bothered to write things in detail now.


Not so unexpected, but I was in a really good mood this day. I spent the holidays in Norway this year, because Dad had to work. (I usually switch between spending christmas in norway and germany every year).
So, our relatives came over. We ate a traditional norwegian christmassy meal (pork rib, sausages, potatoes++). Afterwards we opened presents. I got a lot of nice stuff, thanks everyone!

The next days I mostly spent lurking around my house. The 27th I turned 15. Didn't really celebrate, so I was alone over half the day. But my boyfriend came over around the evening, and that really cheered me up :') The next day we went to a nearby mountain (alpin thing, I don't know how to spell it in english). I had a really great time! I love him <3

I was invited over to a friend of mine, Elisabeth, on New Year's Eve. First I ate turkey toghether with my mom, Willy, Aud and a friend of Willy, before I was driven over to her. All toghether it was me, Sunniva, Mari, Elisabeth, André, Kristian, Eline and Rasmus. We went outside just before the clock struck midnight. After watching the fireworks (no rockets, sadly enough) we went inside and drank tea and finished watching Sweeney Todd 8)

Now I've been busy with school for one week. But I've actually cranked out these two drawings:

There! Now I can finally organize my thoughts towards the next post.

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Hedmark, Norway
instrument of evil. likes to draw, watch the sunset and do a rain dance every now and then. "all the birds" is my art blog.


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