This week almost nothing happened on school. Or.. we had three 'normal' days. Then later on wednesday, I went to our school's christmas prom. I boycotted going there the last two times, but decided I to give the last one a shot; it's after all the last one with my current school.
It was fun! Even though the food didn't taste a thing, and the music... I'm not going to say more than techno/rap and over-used radiohits. But there were some good ones :'D
On Thursday we went to church. I said a prayer for peace in german.. it didn't turn out that well. I had _no_ idea what I was going to do, except for reading what stood on the paper I was given (I even had to correct it, geeze. WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO) Then I was supposed to light a candle - it took an eternity. Later on, we went back to school and ate some porridge, before watching a norwegian movie called Pitbullterje.
The little boy reminded me a tiny bit of Jonas Bjerre. Maybe it's because he was so puny and had a similar haircut 8)
Today the door to our classroom was closed. Kristian, Esten, Rasmus and Vlad were preparing something. Because you see, we were having breakfast in the classroom : D
It was worth the waiting, they had really outdone theirself. The light was turned off, instead they had lit over two hundred tiny candles. On the teacher's desk they positioned them so they spelt "Merry Christmas" in norwegian (God Jul, respectively)
All the other desks were put togheter so they formed three large tables.
The teachers were really impressed : D
I spent a lot of time running around with my camera on movie mode. It's not that hard to get the esscense of my class on tape, there's always something going on! (Gotta love that bunch)
After the breakfast we went down to the main hall, where all the other students were. Our principal said something about christmas (and himself, as always. You could easily sum his speach up like this; Me, christmas, me, me, me, something christmassy, memememe, you, meeeee), Elisabeth in our class sang "Oh Holy Night" (she was magnificent!), four students lit four candles and we sang a song.
You know what's kinda depressing? Over half of the snow has melted.
I simply love the white layer that covers everything. Sounds, smells... everything is altered in a peculiar way. Now we have this stupid slippery ice. It even _rained_ yesterday. Ice.. turn into the snow you once were, please!
But luckily the temperature is on the negative side of the scale now. Winter is supposed to be chilly, right?
That Time On The Ledge - Mew
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