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mandag 8. desember 2008

the kite is flying

And the snow is dancing! Finally.
This is my first real blog, because I'm currently ignoring my Livejournal account. I'm not really sure what to say, but I have to start somewhere.


I get fascinated over things way to easy, and these things go here. Thoughts, ramblings (oh the ORIGINALITY), art, music, writing... anything! At least that is what I _hope_. If I really go through with this whole blogging concept, it's gonna be fun (for me at least) to read this crap in a year's time. I'll be writing english, even if it's not my native language. But don't be suprised if I sometimes turn my back to you and rabble stuff in a secret language called norwegian.

I'm not gonna talk about myself now, because I hate doing so.

And I just want to remind all of you that Christmas is already gobbling on our legs, in every possible way. Television, newspapers and so on. Our city has been decorated with a great christmas tree and lots of small lights. They radiate in a hypnotizing - but cosy, matter. I love walking through the main streets! Especially with the thick carpet of snow that has covered everything by now. (that's one positive side by living up in the north)
I'll be talking more about Christmas later, because now I have work on a powerpoint *flex* What a great time I'm going to have!

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Hedmark, Norway
instrument of evil. likes to draw, watch the sunset and do a rain dance every now and then. "all the birds" is my art blog.


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