Yesterday was so lax! We got to go home early to work on some project, which didn't take much time at all. Afterwards I concurred the sofa and stayed there almost the rest of the day. I was _so_ close to fall asleep twice. Later, sitting on my bedside I drew a picture. It's not finished, but I quite like the concept. Maybe I'll even develop it further!
While trying to sleep, a lot of thoughts ran through my head. And then there was this character that came knocking on my braindoor. A green chirin-like creature with a flaming orange mane and long black horns.
Kinda annoyed I had to turn the light on again and draw a quick drawing of the concept. It looks like shit, but I remember him, and that is what counts c:
Today's plan was to take pictures which I could use in my blog, but I remembered that waaaay to late. At least I only have one present left to buy now.
First I went with my mother to the mall (Maxi, as it's called) at 11:00, where we split up. We met again after a while and drove home at 14:00. Some hours later I went to see Twilight with André, Elisabeth, Mari, Hanne, Kristian, Esten, Jørgen, Tien, Rasmus and Kenneth. Shoot me if I forgot someone.
I didn't really like the movie. Though it made me barf out of laughter several times when it was supposed to be serious. Come on; vampires that glitter like diamonds in sunlight? I was expecting some transformation into a great beast or something! One of the other vampires looked like he had constantly shit himself in the pants.
I wasn't really that focused on the movie either. To be honest I was a tiny bit annoyed. Right before the movie started we ran to Rema 1000 to buy candy (it's _allot_ cheaper than in the cinema). I couldn't decide what to buy, and since I saw that candy (that you can pick by hand) had the same price per kilo both places, I thought I could hurry and buy some when we returned. Meanwhile I this hot drinks automat caught my attention. 10 kr for hot chocolate! I inserted 20 kr. Then...
There were no cups.
I asked one of the workers, and got a bunch.
Poured one cup.
"The automat does not change."
Oh monkey... well, then I'll just have to take two cups.
BUT NOOO. Freaking machine! c_c
We had run out of time at this moment, because of a long line at the cashier's stand.
I managed to spill almost half of my hot chocolate, and found out that I had used my "four day limit" of money on my card, so I couldn't pay for the ticket. Luckily enough the others had already paid for me (now I owe Kristian 100 kr).
But no worries :3 Only a few days left of school ~
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